Student Technology Fee Committee seeks budget requests
The Student Technology Fee Committee is continuing its process for special requests related to the purchase of technology. The intent of this decision is to provide a better work timeline and structure for the committee and add an element of fairness to the process for distributing limited funds. This committee is comprised of a majority of students with the primary task of recommending how student technology fee dollars will be allocated. Last year the Committee recommended in excess of $200,000 of additional funding for a number of projects. This year, it is anticipated that the committee will have approximately $150,000 to allocate. The Committee only meets during the academic year, and with a majority of students comprising the membership, workflow is greatly impacted by student appointments, breaks, mid-terms and finals.
In prior years requests from the campus for special projects, new initiatives, equipment upgrades, software, etc., related to specific academic departments and the campus at large were received throughout the academic year. Unfortunately, many requests in prior years were submitted near the end of spring semester when very few meetings remained and the additional demands on student time were great. As a result, there was frequently no time to obtain additional information required to make an informed decision, a determination was sometimes made in haste, or no decision could be made with the amount of time remaining.
Thus, the Committee determined that they will again entertain requests from the campus beginning December 1, 2009 to February 1, 2010. Information regarding the specifics required to submit a proposal and the form necessary to submit can be found at the following website: Fill out all parts of the proposal form that are relevant to your request.
All requests must be approved by the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director and should be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Owens 206, no later than February 1, 2010 for consideration.