Special Advisors for Student Fellowship Opportunities
There are a number of national fellowship competitions for undergraduate and graduate students. Information and application materials for these fellowship programs can be obtained from the advisors listed below. Fellowship advisors are available to meet with interested students, assess the student’s appropriateness for a given fellowship competition, and advise the student on the preparation of application materials.
Fulbright Scholar Program enables students to study or conduct research abroad. Alan Davis, English, Weld 202, 477-4681, davisa@mnstate.edu
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship enables undergraduate students who have limited financial means to pursue opportunities for semester or academic-year long study abroad. Ms. Linda Tegtmeier, Financial Aid, Owens 107F, 477-2992, tegtmeir@mnstate.edu
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships support junior and senior-level scholars, intending graduate work in math or science. Dean Michelle Malott, Social & Natural Sciences, Hagen 107, 477-5892, malottmi@mnstate.edu
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Program awards fellowships to future and current secondary school teachers of American history, American government, and social studies seeking master’s degrees in education. Dr. Paul Kramer, Political Science, MacLean 354, 477-4022, kramerp@mnstate.edu
National Security Education Program, a scholarship for students to study in non-Western European countries, with full support. Must study languages and service component upon return. Dr. Benjamin Smith, Languages & Cultures, MacLean 279G, 477-4267, smithbe@mnstate.edu
Penny Foundation encourages students to seek internships in community or public service that would otherwise not offer pay. Dr. Sue Humphers-Ginther, Sociology, Lommen 102B, 477-2042, humphers@mnstate.edu
Rhodes Scholarships allow students to travel to and study at Oxford University for a period of two years. Dean Richard Adler, Graduate Studies, Owens 215, 477-2474, adlerri@mnstate.edu
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships provides undergraduate/graduate full scholarships for degree study abroad. For any degree area; available for one or several years. Dr. George Davis, Biosciences, Hagen 103E, 477-2092, davisg@mnstate.edu; Dr. Vern Dobis, Economics, MacLean 383, 477-4029, dobis@mnstate.edu; or Dr. Andrew Conteh, Political Science, MacLean 320, 477-4009, conteh@mnstate.edu
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation provides grants to juniors who are preparing for careers in public service. Grants support senior year plus graduate study. Dr. Philip Baumann, Political Science, MacLean 346, 477-2943, baumannp@mnstate.edu
Morris K. Udall Foundation awards generous scholarships for undergraduate study to students intending to pursue careers related to environmental public policy and to Native American and Alaska Native students who intend to pursue careers in health care and tribal public policy. Dr. Donna Bruns Stockrahm, Biosciences, Hagen 407S, 477-2576, stockram@mnstate.edu
Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity fellowships support projects designed to advance the cause of human rights and world peace. Dr. Terry Shoptaugh, Library 409A, 477-2343, shoptaug@mnstate.edu
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation graduate scholarship program. Dean Richard Adler, Graduate Studies, Owens 215, 477-2474, adlerri@mnstate.edu
David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships complement a degree program to add an international dimension such as language, area studies, or study abroad. Dr. Benjamin Smith, Languages & Cultures, MacLean 279G, 477-4267, smithbe@mnstate.edu