Free Renaissance Festival Tickets!

The HR office has acquired 2 FREE Adult Renaissance Festival tickets for this year. If you are an employee of MSU Moorhead and would like to throw your name into the hat to win these tickets, please call the HR office at 2157 on or before 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 27th, 2009. Drawing will take place on Friday, August 28th and the winner will be notified that same day.

MnSCU News Watch

A sample of recent news stories: Campus crunch at MSCTC, Higher ed notebook: Local colleges prepare for H1N1, A college flu challenge: Isolation in a dorm room and more:

Write Site Opens Next Week

As the semester begins, please inform your students that the Write Site will open on Monday, August 31. Until rennovations are complete in Lommen Hall, the Write Site is located on the Library Porch. Our hours are: 9:30-4:30 Monday through Thursday
and 9:30-12:30 Friday