Mafla-Bustamante Presents at National Conference

Cecilia Mafla-Bustamante, Languages and Cultures, attended the XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. She presented the paper “El ritmo de los sueños rotos: Un análisis de la experiencia migratoria en ‘Te acuerdas, Ñata.’” Panel # 59 “Cruzando la línea… estudios sobre la ecuatorianidad desde el cine y la literatura.”

Also, she was invited once again by the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, to attend the Presidential Inauguration on August 10, 2009. She had the opportunity to listen to his inauguration speech at the Asamblea Nacional, and was among some world leaders like the presidents of Argentina, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Guyana, Surinam, and Prince Felipe of Spain. Many vice-presidents and authorities also attended this event.

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