Harris published in Journal of Southern Religion

An article by Paul Harris, professor emeritus of History, has been published in the Journal of Southern Religion. The article is entitled “Mission and Uplift: Methodist Education in the American South and Liberia” and contrasts the relative success of Gammon Theological Seminary in training black ministers with the difficulty of exporting uplift to Liberia. The Journal of Southern Religion is […]

The Constitutional right to Associate and its implications: Historical Overview and Panel Discussion

Monday, Sept. 17 | 3:30-5 p.m. | CMU 200C Sean Taylor from History will provide a historical overview of the constitutional right to associate. Following that a panel will discuss the implications (e.g. formation of labor unions etc.) of the right to associate for organized labor. The panelists are: Paul Harris, Jean Hannig, Teresa Joppa (attorney for AFSCME), Patrice Arseneault (attorney […]