D2L Brightspace Update Moved to Tuesday, June 6

UPDATE: D2L Brightspace is scheduled to be upgraded to version 10.7.0 on Tuesday, June 6 from 5-7 a.m. The system office is still determining if D2L will need to be unavailable all or part of this time. Visit the ITS Blog for more details. *We had previously communicated: “Tentatively D2L Brightspace will be unavailable Friday-Saturday, June 2-3, 2017. The specific time […]

Read eLearning Acumen Now

Read the latest issue of the eLearning Acumen, a newsletter brought to you by Instructional Technology Services (ITS). (https://www.mnstate.edu/uploadedFiles/Level_2/Content/Instructional_Technology_Services/Teaching-Learning/2016-08-issue3-eLearningAcumen.pdf) 

WikiSpaces to be Discontinued August 2016

Instructional Technology Services reached out this spring to faculty who had accounts on our campus instance of WikiSpaces. Based on usage, need and cost it was decided to discontinue our license with WikiSpaces. The service will be shut down and unavailable after 08/12/2016.