Physics Teacher Mentoring

MSUM is a satellite host for GO4ST8 Physics, a physics teacher mentoring organization in Minnesota. Steve Lindaas, Physics and Astronomy, has been facilitating virtual connectivity between participants since Spring of 2020.  There are now four in-person sites around the state that are virtually connected.  Last Saturday the GO4ST8 Physics workshop was on PV=nRT, the ideal gas law.  Steve was a […]

Space still available on BIOL 308 summer travel course

Spots are still available for BIOL 308 “Pacific Northwest Ecology.” This LASC 10 travel course runs July 5-15. Explore the mountains, forests, tide pools and coasts of Oregon and Washington. Hike, camp, explore, and discuss socio-environmental issues. If you are interested you need to register this week! For more information contact Dr. Wallace ( in Biosciences or Dr. Lindaas ( […]