Addressing the Equity Gap: Survey sheds light on Native American student experiences

Dr. Caitlin Johnson, an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Minnesota State University Moorhead, recently reflected on how she is viewed:

“As a Native American woman with a Ph.D., I’ve been called a unicorn. I don’t think people look deeper into the reasons why we are so rare,” she said.

In 2020 at MSU Moorhead, 57% of Native American first-year students completed their first year and enrolled for a second year. This statistic is 25% lower than the average for other attending students.

MSUM’s equity gap led Dr. Johnson to request and receive funding to conduct a needs survey of Native American students on campus. Thanks to a team of Native American student researchers organized by Dr. Johnson, the survey was conducted in the fall semester of 2023.

Read the full story.


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