Office of Online Learning January Events

The Office of Online Learning has a number of trainings this month and throughout the semester. Our Core Tools Overview for New Faculty and Staff is Thursday, January 4 from 10-11:30 a.m. in LI 124 or Introduction to Core Tools will present the basic overviews of MSUM’s core technologies including Microsoft 365, D2L Brightspace, Zoom, and Kaltura Mediaspace. We will discuss access to your university accounts along with most common tasks and practices. You will also leave with a wealth of resources to further your own exploration and learning. This is a great opportunity faculty and staff who are new (and newish) to our campus.

Our Online Course Design Essentials is Friday, January 5 from 10-11 a.m. in LI124 or Teaching and learning in an online or blended environment can be a very different undertaking than the traditional classroom. Join us for a conversation about recommended and best practices for creating an online experience that is engaging, transparent, and intuitive to navigate. 

Please view our DragonCentral page for more details and events at

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