Pass/Fail Grading for Spring 2021

In response to student and faculty concerns, MSUM will implement the Pass/Fail (P/F) grading option for the current Spring 2021 term, similar to Spring and Fall 2020. Students should carefully consider whether to use the pass/fail (P/F) option and consult with their instructors and academic advisor before making any final decisions.

Undergraduate students: If you plan to use the P/F option for one or more courses, the form to request the change will be available beginning May 5 through May 17 until 4:30 pm. After May 17, you can no longer change to the P/F option.

Graduate students are not eligible to change their letter grades to P/F due to program accreditation and/or licensing requirements.

The website below includes detailed information that will assist students in deciding whether or not to choose the P/F grading option. NOTE: The P/F request form will be available on this site, but not until May 5.

If you are questioning whether or not to choose the pass/fail option, please contact your academic advisor.

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