Discussion:”Why Defund the Police?”

In the weeks following the recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others at the hands of police, many are demanding that their communities #DefundThePolice or abolish policing. While the call for police abolition isn’t new, especially within Black communities, many are hearing this demand for the first time. 

Join us via zoom this Tuesday, June 16th at 3:00pm for “Why #DefundThePolice?,” a discussion about the idea’s history, what it means in practice, and why many feel it’s a crucial step in building an anti-racist world. Our featured speakers include MSUM student and local Black Lives Matter organizer Jamaal Abegaz, and American Indian Student Association member Alexa Girard. Jamaal was recently interviewed by Angela Davis on MPR – listen to the story here.

Please register in advance: https://minnstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vd–pqzgqHdEaLbjbMoe096_SIDSaNCUH 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This event is a collaboration between MSUM Women’s Center, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Black Student Union, and the American Indian Student Association. Please encourage your colleagues to join in the discussion and share the event to your social media.