Amelia Meyer presents on hip tears at the online Student Academic Conference

Athletic training and exercise science student Amelia Meyer is participating in the 22nd Student Academic Conference held online Tuesday, April 21! Her recorded (presentation? Poster?) summarizes two semesters of research on acetabular (hip) labral tears, which she applied to working with athletes with the same injury.

Q: Why did you choose to research Acetabular Labral Tears?
A: I choose this topic because many athletes I have worked with have had this injury. Acetabular labral tears are an area in athletic training that’s not widely studied.

Q: What was your favorite part of your project?
A: My favorite part of this project was to take the information I found in my research and make connections back to the injuries that I had seen through the past couple of years.

Q: Do you plan on doing further research on your topic?
A: I plan to keep up with the new information that comes up because I expect this topic will become more predominant. I want to keep learning more about how it presents anatomically and its occurrence in sports.

You can view Amelia’s presentation and others at