MSUAASF Professional Excellence Award nomination deadline today!

The Board of Trustees has announced the Professional Excellence Award to recognize Administrative Service Faculty, which includes our MSUAASF colleagues here at MSUM. The purpose of this award is to recognize the key role these individuals play in contributing to our students’ growth and development.

Please click on the link below and nominate a MSUAASF staff member who has demonstrated excellent service to our University and to the Minnesota State system. You are able to nominate more than one personThe deadline for nomination is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 18, 2017.  If you have any questions about the award, please contact Ann Hiedeman at or (218) 477-2066.

The following MSUAASF employees meet the eligibly criteria for the award:

Shireen Alemadi Kari Peterson
Jim Anderson Lynn Peterson
Layne Anderson Ronda Peterson
Ashley Atteberry Heather Phillips
Thomas Berg Jennifer Price
Tony Bormann Megan Proulx
Becky Boyle Jones Jolene Richardson
Janet Brandau Gloria Riopelle
Peggy Dell Julia Roland
Elizabeth Evert Karnes* Sara Schultz
Steve Fox Andrea Scott
Dana Hanson Jason Sobolik
Sara Hartwig Shawn Soderberg
Janet Hohenstein Heather Soleim
Lacey Hoppe Lisa Staiger
Sarah Jegela Jody Steile
Braden Kuznia Rebecca Sundet-Schoenwald
Allan Luistro Janet Sundquist-Schenk
Lynn Mahlum Linda Tegtmeier
Gina Monson Greg Toutges*
Kristi Monson  Jon Wepking

*Prior nominees

To find out more about the award and nominate a deserving individual, please click here:


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