Minnesota State website, email updates

The Minnesota State IT department has been hard at work behind the scenes transitioning its web presence to the new Minnesota State brand and testing the new website: www.MinnState.edu. They’ve also been busy preparing to convert Minnesota State system office email addresses, which will be FirstName.LastName@MinnState.edu.  Following are further details: 


The www.MinnState.edu website is up and running smoothly. During the transition, the mnscu.edu website will be simultaneously active until further notice. The new website design is expected to be live Jan. 31, 2017.

System Office Email Address

In addition, Minnesota State system office employees now have an additional “secondary” email address with the following format: FirstName.LastName@MinnState.edu. The so.mnscu.edu email will continue to be the “primary” address until further notice. Until then, messages sent to either email address will be delivered to the current, single inbox.

These changes at the system level do not affect MSU Moorhead’s website or email addresses.


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