Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction #26 for affordability

Ranked by Top Education Degrees website 

Top Education Degrees website has ranked MSUM’s Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction #26 for affordability out of 146 schools offering advanced degrees in curriculum and instruction. Top Education Degrees website provides high-quality, well-researched education and career resources for individuals in the education field.

The website ranked the 50 most affordable online masters in curriculum and instruction degree programs based on information collected from National Center for Education Statistics’ College Navigator. The majority of the programs making the grade are designed for working teachers, or those with at least some level of classroom teaching experience, and all deliver online or distance learning programs.

“MSUM’s online course delivery is a little different from other institutions; it is very interactive, relationship focused and personal,” said Michael Coquyt, program coordinator of the Curriculum and Instruction program. “Online delivery provides an opportunity for our graduate students, mostly working teachers, to collaborate across the state, region and country with other educators to learn about current trends and issues in education with the flexible scheduling needed to meet work and personal demands while attending graduate school to advance their career.”

The website combined tuition rates and fees to determine affordability, and reflect the most current rate for in-state graduate tuition.

MSUM’s graduate degrees are not only a smart investment, they are nationally accredited, personal and flexible. For example, the Curriculum and Instruction program professors have nearly 60 years combined experience in the classroom and educational administration.

“Our other instructors are current superintendents, principals, special education directors, teachers, and service cooperative directors,” said Lisa Karch, director of graduate studies. “The required coursework relates to what educators are already doing in the classroom and relevant.”

MSUM offers 12 graduate degrees and 18 graduate certificates.

Read more about the most affordable Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction Online 2015.

Learn more about MSUM’s Curriculum and Instruction program.