Open Enrollments starts today

Open Enrollment starts today –  Friday, Nov. 1 and ends Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013. Your Open Enrollment opportunities and resources (including Employee Self Service links to submit elections) are available on the MMB website. During this Open Enrollment period, you can make changes to your Medical and/or Dental Insurance, enroll in Child Life, enroll or increase Long Term Disability, (those eligible […]

Common read brown bag today at noon

There will be a roundtable discussion on the use of the “Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” with students in courses and learning communities this fall, plus we will look ahead to next year’s book and author. This session is in the Faculty Development Center form 12-1 p.m.

Request your spring course shells

Instructors: Remember to request your course shells for Spring 2014 courses by using the CourseCreator request form. It usually takes 24-48 hours for your course to appear on D2L. Requests submitted on Fridays or over the weekend may take longer. If you have questions, please contact Instructional Technology Services by e-mail at or by phone at 218.477.2603.